Emma Sterner Radley
Fantasy Author

Emma Sterner-Radley's Biography

Fantasy writer, Emma Sterner-Radley, spent far too much time hopping ​between subject​s​ ​at​ university, back in her native country of Sweden. ​She​ finally emerged with a degree in Library and Information Science​ and​ thought libraries was her thing, because she wanted to work with books, and being an author was an impossible dream, right? Wrong. She’s now a writer and a publisher. (But still a librarian at heart.)
She lives with her wife and two cats in England. There​’​s no point in saying which city, as they move about once a year. She spends her time writing, reading, daydreaming, ​exercising​, and watching whichever television show has the most l​esbian/sapphic​ subtext at the time.
Her tastes in most things usually lean towards the quirky and she loves genres like magic realism​,​ steampunk​, and all kinds of fantasy. ​
​Her weaknesses are ​coffee, sugary snacks and small chubby creatures​ with tiny legs​.​